The club currently fields two 15U teams and one 21U team on a Monday night at Altona. We also have an 11U and 15U team that plays at Wyndham on a Saturday morning.

The new season for these competitions will begin Jan/Feb next year and we are now taking expressions of interest from any players who would like to play. Monday night teams do not train. For Wyndham teams, it would be up to each team if they would like to train, however training is not compulsory.

We can field additional teams in both competitions, this will be dependent on having enough players interested AND having enough volunteer coaches.

If you are interested in playing or coaching please email with details of the competition you are interested in. Any queries regarding the competitions can also be emailed through.

Please note that by registering for one of these teams you are committing to the entire season including finals. It is unfair on coaches and other players when team members pull out during a season.

Current players would have received a message asking if you are playing next season. Please respond to this if you haven’t already done so.